The market seems to have been flooded with very fancy app based chauffeur services, these chauffeurs seem to offer very good looking cars and expert chauffeurs, the website or app will often look very professional and have photos of the latest most desirable chauffeur driven cars and they will most certainly offer unbelievable prices often less than a normal taxi, this is where the term you definitely get what you pay for comes in to play, because the reality is the drivers are usually unlicensed and the cars are often older models that have done massive mileages, in my city of York where i live and operate as a chauffeur service there are at least 3 chauffeur firms that come under this category, please do not be attracted by the lower prices they often advertise, at Executive Cars York we are definitely more expensive than these other firms but this is because we are a fully licensed and insured chauffeur service, we only use the latest Mercedes s class cars, we are insured with Westminster the only insurance firm that only insures chauffeurs with a 10 million pound public liability element in the policy, sometimes it is very annoying because i see these firms with customers in their cars and think to myself that person is being short changed even at the lower prices they charge, to be a fully professional chauffeur company with the latest top of the range cars and all the licences and insurances we have to have is very expensive, well this has to be reflected in the prices we quote, i hope i have not come across as a bitter business man that is losing the battle because i am not, we are actually very successful and the customers we have appreciate the lengths we go to we ensure that every journey in one of our cars will be class leading and with this in mind i invite you to ring me Mark Heaney the owner of Executive Cars York to discuss any of your or your clients executive travel requirements, i can be contacted on the landline 01904 693297 or my personal mobile number 07955955900 or if you prefer you can email me on Thank You.